5 Videos (Total Playing Time 1 hr 17 min)

  • Behind the Scenes footage and On-location Training
  • Creating a Composite from selected Images
  • Photoshop Hand-Edit from beginning to end
  • 1 Overlay

Irish Forest Magic

Follow the streams of light through a Co. Wicklow forest with Nicki O’Donovan and Michele O’Donovan.

Dreamy Forest Photoshop edit


* Working Knowledge of Photoshop Recommended

Dreamy Irish Forest small 1




Nicki O'Donovan
Your instructor

The editing process in Photoshop is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to Fine-Art Photography.

I want to take you through the process of creative inspiration, finding the right light, composing and capturing the moment FIRST.  Otherwise the temptation is to think all the magic happens with editing software, when in reality much of it happens in-camera.

Once you have a great RAW image, all the enhancements you do in Photoshop will be hugely rewarding.  You will then have a work of art to show the world!

Join us for the full adventure!

Michele O'Donovan
Your videographer

One of the quickest ways to learn Creative Photography is to watch someone in action on location and see the EXIF data for the images taken. This accelerates the learning curve so that you can go out in confidence and get the same results because you understand the process of capturing beautiful moments.

I have captured the on-location footage so that you can watch the unfolding process.  The video has been edited in a way to keep the most important elements, so that the instruction is fast-paced and interesting.

We have a surprise at the end of the video so stay tuned!

Frequenty Asked Questions

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